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Helping you sell your

life insurance policy.

Get cash for your policy and start living a better life now.

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Encore life focuses on four key points

We focus on educating our clients so they understand what they are signing up for. Insurance policies can be confusing at first so our team will educate each client so they understand all their options in selling life insurance.

Get your encore on life and trade your life insurance for cash

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What our customers are saying

People like you have gotten thousands of dollars for their life insurance policies. 

Educate, Expertise, Efficiency, and Empower.

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$260,000 cash pay out for expiring term life policy

 A 63-year-old man had a $1.5 million term life insurance policy that was about to expire, which had been protecting his family during his working years. If the policy had lapsed, he would have gotten nothing in return for 20 years of paid premiums. Instead, he received $260,000.

$29,000 cash pay out for unaffordable universal life policy

A 91-year-old woman had a $100,000 universal life policy that she and her family could no longer afford. They had $0 in cash value and were about to let the policy lapse — which would have resulted in no money for her and her family. They were able to use the $29,000 received from the life settlement toward necessary care.

$245,000 cash pay out for too much life insurance coverage

A 77-year-old woman had two universal life policies. She wanted to maintain some coverage for her family’s needs but reduce premium expenses. The family kept the less expensive policy and sold the $1 million policy for nearly 8x what the carrier offered.

Life Settlement Guide

Here is our guide to how our process works at Encore life. See if you qualify. We complete the life settlement.

How our process works

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We get to know you and what exactly you're looking for.

We collect your information to get a better understanding of your life insurance

We see if you qualify

Why Encore Life

Four key tenets; Educate, Expertise, Efficiency, and Empower.
Our focus at Encore Life is to educate clients, share our expertise, employee efficiency, and empower our clients. All this, so you can make educated decisions about your life insurance policy. Our experts provide a service that not only helps people understand what their life settlement value is but we help them choose what will be best for them.

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Copyright ® 2022 Encore. All Rights Reserved. 

Our team members are experts in the life settlement industry.  With their expertise clients will get a full understanding of life settlements. 

Our Life Settlement process is efficient. At Encore life we keep the process quick and easy, there is no need for unnecessary steps.

At Encore Life we empower our clients to maximize their life insurance needs and goals.

We connect you with a licensed life settlement provider

We help you get cash for your life settlement